Wednesday, April 27, 2011

T-Tapp Excersise Program

T-Tapp. You are all probably wondering what in the world that is. It's an excersise program. It is named after the woman who developed it,Teresa Tapp. This program focuses on losing inches more than weight;though you can lose weight while doing it. It involves no jumping,no lifting weights and you never have to do more than 8 reps at a time,and you don't diet at all. It is a no impact program.
I have been  doing this with my mom and we both have been getting really good results! In the first week I lost 8.25 inches and total of 3 weeks I lost 12.45 inches! I was really suprised. My mom and I really enjoy doing it. 
In a couple of days we will be going to a T-Tapp clinic in Oklahoma to learn more about it.


Tabby said...

Hey first one to comment! Oh lala!

Kelly Wagner said...

Sorry, Katherine commented first on the 1970s dress. lol